Pulo Bunta is the least interesting of the bigger islands in Pulo Aceh. I has a light house and a few beaches, but difficult to swim due to the barrier reefs and strong currents. There are no people living here except the lighthouse staff.PULO BATEE
The uninhabited island of Pulo Batee has maybe seen more tourists than the other islands in this island group. Before the tsunami there were some bungalows here. Now they are slowly being built up again. Pulo Batee is 4 km long, has a scenic beach and some bat caves. It is a perfect place to hide and get away from the rest of the World.Click to enlargeTo go there is like an expedition and is only by appointment. Contact Andy on Ph: 0852 7099 4060, or 0852 7771 1773, e-mail: andy_pulobatee@yahoo.com and you will learn more. So far there are only one hut and a few tents. Supplies are brought in together with you and your
Pulo Keureusik in between Pulo Nasi and Breuh has an amazing beach on its eastern end. Its form and accessibility depends very much on season. Pulo Keureusik is the only island that doesn't have any wild boars; According to locals because of a holy Muslim scholar that is buried on the island.PULO BREUH
The fishing village Lampuyang is the major entry point on Pulo Breuh. Here is a post office, a health center and the local government. Lampuyang was very hard hit by the tsunami. If you land here it is better to continue to Gugup or the villages beyond to the north. Gugup is spread out and its economy based on agriculture. Nearby are Lambaru and the fishing village of Serapong, Gugup sits on a very scenic peninsula with a calm bay on one side and a grand beach on the other. Further north along the dramatic and scenic coast line are the villages of Alue Raya, Rinon and Meulingge.The best beaches on Pulo Breuh are found in the Gugup area. Five hundred meters west of the village Lambaru is Pantai Lambaru with yellow sand and big waves rolling in. A similar but more secluded beach is Pantai Baluh to the north. At the northern end of this beach are fluorescent rocks. At special occasions the locals use the dust of these rocks as decorations on hats and shirts. Baluh is a 1-1,5 hrs walk from Gugup. Further up the coast, near Rinon and Meulingge are more beautiful beaches to explore.
PULO Breuh is the island that has most jungles left and it is easy to spot wild boar, rusa deer, monkeys, squirrels and many beautiful birds and butterflies. The highest mountain in Pulo Aceh is on Pulo Breuh, Gunung Ceumoh. It is clad in jungles and offers a nice one day trek up and down. Start the trek at Pantai Baloh.
In the far north, east of Meulingge the unique historical remnant; the 132 year old light house "Willem's-Toren", still in operation. Willem's Toren is worth a visit. Besides the tall classical tower, there are buildings from three different times.
The oldest buildings are intertwined by roots and trees. Two generators form the 1940ies are still producing the needed electricity. The light house staff can help out with information, show you around and to cook some noodles and coffee, but bring the food stuff and give some money in a handshake for their help.
The place can be reached by a nice 4 kilometer walk from Meulingge. An alternative is by boat to Ujung Peuneung. Land at the almost totally broken down light house pier and follow the path up the hill. It is a nice walk. This is best route if you do the excursion from PULO Weh.
Pulo Nasi is easier to visit and has more facilities and shorter distances. As Pulo Nasi is smaller than Pulo Breuh it feels more crowded and social, compared to Pulo Breuh.Pulo Nasi has maybe the best beaches in Pulo Aceh. The best ones on Pulo Nasi are Pasi Raye, Nipah and Lamtadu. Pasi Raye is very secluded, as one has to climb a bit to reach it. The forest behind it has Rusa Deer that sometimes comes down to the beach. The beach is open to the west and can have big waves.
To enter Pasi Raye you will pass the beach Mata Ie. It was damaged by the tsunami. There is a both a freshwater well and a bat cave behind this beach. Nipah is also very quiet, but facing east. It has small waves and is more suitable for families. The grand Lamtadu beach is only a 15 minute walk from the Kandang village. It is located in a relatively deep bay facing south west. The waves can be big. In the eastern season turtles sometimes lay egg here.
The villages Deudap and Lamting are the two major entry points to Pulo Nasi. Deudap is a nice fishing village on a nice beach. The mountain behind is Gunung Peunyeri and its summit can be reach form either Deudap or Kandang. Kandang is the biggest village on PULO Nasi. Its economy is based on agriculture, just like the nearby villages of Rabo and Batu Apit.
Kandang is very spread out. The houses have big gardens. There is a health center and the only high school of the archipelago. Between Kandang and the Lamtadu Beach is a swamp area with a lake. A forty minutes walk to the northwest takes you to the Pasijaneng village. This village was totally destroyed by tsunami, except one house. Fortunately the inhabitants saw the wave coming
For snorkeling bring your own gear. Diving can be arranged from Pulau Weh. Surfers sometimes find their ways to Pulo Aceh. There are no surfboards available to rent.
The year can roughly be divided into two weather seasons, the western season app. during the second half of the year and the eastern season app. during the first half of the year. The transition periods are always the worst. In the western season the wind come from the west, making big waves and narrows the western beaches. The eastern beaches are this time of the year better. During the eastern season the western beaches are best.
The geographical position of Pulo Aceh at the tip of Sumatra results in some peculiarities. The straits between the islands are narrow and the currents can be very strong. Worst is between Pulo Bunta and Pulo Batee. One has to be careful in the straits, but otherwise there are no big problems.
So far there is no formal accommodation (except on Pulo Batee) and no restaurants, but most locals are more than happy to help you out. Another alternative is to camp directly on a beach. If you feel insecure, just ask the village head "Kepala Desa" and he will for sure arrange something. Don't expect spring beds and water closets and bring sun lotion and malaria pills. Ask someone to cook for you. The fish is always good. After your stay, leave some money for house and board in a hand shake.
Slow boats leave Pulo Aceh at 08.00 for the market in Banda Aceh and return back to the islands after the noon prayers, app. 14.00. From Ulee Lhe (near the fast ferries for Pulau Weh) to Deudap and to Lamting on Pulau Nasi, daily except Fridays, Rp. 10.000. From Lampuloh (app. 500m from Peunayong towards the sea) to Lampuyang on Pulau Breuh daily except Fridays. Sometimes pay, sometimes free! Also occasional boats to Gugup and Meulingge.
Boats can also be chartered on Pulau Weh. The cheapest ones are from Keunekai or Paya Keunekai. A one day roundtrip can cost app. Rp.1 million, depending on boat size and your bargaining skills.
Pulo Nasi has motorcycle taxis, so called "RBT". They wait for passengers in the villages of Rabo, Deudap and Kandang. At odd hours they can be difficult to find in other villages. Pulo Breuh has a few occasional motorcycle taxis, but they can be very expensive. The second alternative is walking.
Pulo Nasi is small enough for that; however Pulo Breuh can be a bit too big. A walk from Gugup to Meulingge can take five to seven hours. The sceneries along the walk make the walk into an attraction by itself.
If you want to go between the islands, you can either ask around if anyone is going, or charter by yourself.